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Dress Code & RSA Policy

Dress Code & RSA Policy

Coolangatta Hotel provides a comfortable environment where patrons are able to enjoy their surroundings without disruption from others, who may be inappropriately dressed, or behave in an unacceptable manner. We believe that individuals have the right to choose to consume alcohol in licensed venues as a form of social activity. We have a responsibility to deliver best practice in terms of our service of alcohol and to set a positive example to our customers and to other licensees.

To ensure patron compliance with these principles, we actively participate in local liquor accords, forums, appropriate industry bodies standards and have been set for dress reguilations and behaviour standards.

To prevent underage drinking in our venue we require valid proof of age to be presented by young adults on our premises. Whether its day or night, patrons are advised to carry valid photo ID with them whilst on the premises and the venue is unable to accept and expired or damaged ID.


  • The Coolangatta Hotel is committed to conducting all aspects of alcohol service in a professional and responsible manner, complying with all applicable laws and adhering to endorsed Liquor Service Codes of Practice.
  • Management and staff are aware of and adhere to all the rules and regulations applicable to responsible service of alcohol in Queensland
  • The Coolangatta Hotel does not sanction or approve of any promotions that may encourage the rapid or excessive consumption of alcohol in its venue. Employees are required to encourage and promote responsible consumption of alcohol.
  • The Coolangatta Hotel acknowledges that drunkenness, under-age drinking and alcoholism are serious social issues and therefore supports initiatives that assist in addressing and preventing these issues.
  • Our staff endeavour to prevent underage drinking in our venues by requiring valid proof of age from young adults to be presented in the form of an Australian driver’s licence, passport or other proof of age card permitted under applicable State law.
  • The Coolangatta Hotel endeavours to provide a safe and friendly environment in which all customers can socialise and enjoy themselves.
  • The Coolangatta Hotel will continue to provide employee education and customer awareness programs on the Responsible Service of Alcohol.


  • Coolangatta Hotel requires a neat and tidy standard of dress whilst in the venue.
  • Patrons must wear footwear at all times
  • Patrons must wear appropriate upper body clothing at all times
  • No ripped, torn, or unduly soiled clothing or footwear is permitted.
  • No singlets / muscle shirts permitted after 5pm
  • No group/gang patches or insignia are permitted at any time
  • No face tattoos
  • No plugger type thongs, rubber soled thongs or Havaianas are permitted after 5pm
  • Patrons without adequate footwear or clothing will be refused entry
  • Management, service staff and security personnel of the Coolangatta Hotel support the responsible service of alcohol at the venue to ensure that patrons do not become unduly intoxicated and subsequently, initiate anti-social issues for the hotel and surrounding community.
  • Patrons who are unduly intoxicated, abusive, threatening, or quarrelsome, will be refused service of alcohol and may be asked to leave the premises.
  • Management, service staff and security personnel reserve the right under the Queensland Liquor Act (1993) to refuse entry to the hotel or refuse service to any patron at any time.

Management reserve the right to amend these standards at any time without notice.
Patrons are advised that failure to comply with staff requests in regards to dress standards and patron behaviour may result in refusal of entry or possible eviction from the premises.